PayPal holding my accounts hostage and they are owed nothing


PayPal charged purchases I made to my checking account instead of to my Preferred Payment Method. They would not fix it. There was no issue to prevent charging it to my email confirmed Preferred Payment Method. They made more than one excuse and settled on claiming the purchases were recurring billings, which made no sense because the items were a pre-purchase of 12 months of XBox Gold and a separate purchase of a stand alone DLC pack for a game purchase from Microsoft. But the checking account HAD NEVER been used for any purchase with PayPal and I had only added it 2 weeks prior for the purpose depositing money if and when my kids might need me to transfer money to them.


To be clear, Microsoft refunded PayPal because PayPal lied to Microsoft and claimed I disputed the purchase...fraud. In fact, PayPal tried to get me to ask Microsoft for a refund, but I refused to commit fraud because I purposely purchased what Microsoft provided to me. When PayPal acted stupid and refused to charge the purchases to My Preferred Payment Method as it was supposed to work, I notified my bank of the UNAUTHORIZED charges from PayPal to my checking account. So, now my checking account has been refunded also and I redid the purchases with Microsoft directly. PayPal has no outstanding monetary interest in my accounts, but claims there has been "suspicious activity" in my account so they are demanding that I "confirm" my checking account before they will allow me to remove any of my accounts.


Let me repeat that. PayPal is holding my bank account and credit cards hostage because they are calling me reporting their unauthorized charges to my bank as "suspicious activity". The only suspicious activity is PayPal harassing me for reporting them to my bank for bank fraud and reporting them to Microsoft for trying to involve me in a conspiracy to commit fraud against Microsoft.


I accept that they did not intend to mess up or they are too stupid to understand that it is not okay to ignore my Preferred Payment Method and substitute in my checking account because that is perceived as preferable to PayPal for reasons that do not involve me. But it is a choice to behave wrongly to continue this harassment for weeks and holding my bank and credit accounts as hostage when NO MONEY is due or even claimed as owed to PayPal. They know darned well that their activity is the only reported suspicious activity.


It will be a cold day in Hades when I "confirm" and give PayPal consent for anything again. Not allowing me to remove my information is a crime.

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