FRAUDULENT TRANSACTION - Credit Card different paypal account / USELESS PAYPAL HELP


My credit card was used for a paypal transaction not on my paypal account. I was lucky to spot it on my credit card statement otherwise it would have just looked the same as any other transaction. 


Paypal have said that someone set up a new paypal account with my credit card - this is know is rubbish as it's not possible. Why are they lying and telling me this?


They have also said (a different helper on chat) that it is possible to set up a business account with the same card on than a personal account? This seems like rubbish as well. They are basically saying if someone finds my credit card number, this person can set up a business account using my credit card without paypal ever trying to verify this account with communication with the personal account via mobile phone text, password, email etc. This seems like an absolute nonsense to me as it can't be this easy?


The help chat are all terrible as they are all saying conflicting things without ever answering the question how it was possible to do and why so easy?


Thoughts from the community?



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