Cancel Pay After Delivery Option


Hello: I would like to know how to cancel the Pay After Delivery Option. I have called Paypal to cancel and I still have it in my account. Please help! Thanks

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@lizmat wrote:

Hello: I would like to know how to cancel the Pay After Delivery Option. I have called Paypal to cancel and I still have it in my account. Please help! Thanks


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kim2923, lizmat- The Solution left in an earlier reply left out an important step. I posted detailed steps back in June 2014. I just tried these again and they still appear to be the only way to cancel it. Here are the steps again: I think the important step to accomplish cancelling the "Pay After Delivery" is you have to go to Classic Mode on a computer and not a mobile app. That is the only way I could access it. Once you are logged in at the top of the screen, click on "Wallet". Now go to the bottom of the screen on the left side click on "Classic Mode". It will then bring up the old version with "My Money" on the left of the screen. Click on My Money and the screen will display your payment methods and at the bottom should be the "Pay After Delivery" option. I cancelled that setting and it worked for me. Good luck.
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Don't see the way to cancel on the bottom after going into classic then wallet, all I see are quick links, help, contact, security.  Treying to get rid of this nuisance p.a.d. they forced on me, lik eanother bill me later scam ugh.. I even called months ago, now I get emails telling me I'm signed up for it.  Good way to **bleep** up a balanced checkbook is all it is, I hate it and they ought to demote the moron who created this ridiculous add on 😞

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I can't find where to ake this option work.  I have switched to classic mode but can't see where to edit the 'pay after delivery' option.  Classic mode seems to offer the same as the new one?

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there is no classic mode on that page

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I managed to navigate to the right place without switching to the classic site. 

>Click on the settings / cog icon at the top of the page

>Scroll down to Payment Settings

>Click on 'pay after delivery link'

>this will take you to the old version / classic look page where you get the option to turn off 'pay after delivery' as your preferred method.



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Thank you EmmaS123 !!  That is the way to do it.  My Money does not exist under the profile tab, yet PayPal directs everyone to it in there help files.  Aggravating..   

This Pay after delivery feature was driving me batty, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than to **bleep** up my accounting.  I really don't understand why I would want a payment delayed if there is no way to stop the payment. What is the point??

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I did it slightly differently using my Android tablet

Click on settings, cog at the top of the page.

Go to payments bottom of the page.

Click on pay after delivery.

This brings up your bank account details. 

Look to the right of the bank account details

There is a link there to switch off pay after delivery.

It should then now say pay after delivery is not your preferred option

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I opted out of the PAD but Pay Pal still keeps doing it! It screws up my bank accounts because I keep thinking I have more money in the account than I have. I have sent PP an Email and never got an answer. I went in and check and the PAD is off yet they still are doing it. IMO a horrible option they should remove it totally. This is making buying with Pay Pay too much of a hassle I think I am going to start using my Dbit and CC by them selves and just leave PP out of my purchasing online.

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I found it by clicking on the payment listing of my back up bank account.

The link there says that it is turned off but they keep using it.

It does in fact **bleep** up the tally of your checking acct.

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