adding bank account


how do i confirm bank account?? paypay says ""go to profile"" on top of homepage, their is no profile on top of page, please help, at wits end with these paypal people.

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On the main page of your account, simply look for Profile.


Overview   Add Money    Withdraw    History    Resolution Center    Profile

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You Sir, sound just like paypal, I am on the "new" paypal page, their is no "profile" or "overview" at top of this page!! took me days to find this myself Hidden under my username but NOT on top of my page. I find paypal customer service useless and hope and pray i never have to go through 8 days of hell like that again, you see, my problem is still not fixed. paypal accepts my paypal prepaid mastercard but paypal prepaid does not,  saying no such card number. how can this be??  well after 8 days, 72 phone calls, 8 1/2 hours on hold, seven 3-way calls, 9 transfers,  2 $50 phone cards (Have prepaid phone, Im on SS ) I give up. paypal dont give a damm about its customers, telling me to come to people like you for useless answers that they gave me last week, saying its on "Top of page"  over and over again. as a new member here on ebay/paypal  I would NEVER tell anyone to join ebay/paypal clan. they take your fees, then take their phone off hook. this billion dollar company treats its customers like dirt!!!!

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one month later, more calls, more transfers, more time on hold, more being treated like dirt, more non-english speaking employees, more of everything but answers, still can't link my mastercard to paypal. been trying almost 9 weeks. WHY CAN'T PAYPAL FIX THIS FOR ME??

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I'm not sure if you're still having trouble finding how to confirm your bank account, but in case you are, I made a pic here. Click on "Update Bank Account", there should also be a notification saying "Confirm bank account" to the right.

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victorjunkman55 wrote:

I am on the "new" paypal page, their is no "profile" or "overview" at top of this page!!

You should be able to go back to the old PayPal layout by clicking on the "Switch" link in the upper right hand section of the page, or... mouseover the "Help" link to see if it has a "Switch to classic PayPal" link.


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OK, After 2 months, got new bank added, now i can link paypal mastercard to paypal account. thought my nightmare was over after 2 months. paypal prepaid will still not accept this card, I Have to transfer funds from paypal account to bank to card. this takes days. this system paypal has is the worst customer service i have ever known. no one is on the same page, calls are mostly useless, being put on hold is their fave past time, no ebay member in good standing should ever have to go through 8 weeks of disorder, mayhem, and rude customer service.

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Would like to know about how safe will my bank account be
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KellyHayhurst wrote:
Would like to know about how safe will my bank account be...

PayPal accounts have protection for unauthorized transactions... see Section 12 of PayPal's User Agreement for details...


A workable safety measure for some PayPal users has been to open a new, low-balance bank account for online use.



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