Account Overview


I've recently started sending my customers invoices.  I'm adding my customers emails and names to my address book for tracking purposes.  When I look at all my invoices everything looks good but when I'm open up Paypal and look at my Account Overview, the names of some of my customers are different then what I put in. 

If I go into the invoice page they are fine.  I'm not sure where these names are coming from.  When I click on the transaction it takes me to the invoice that then shows the correct name but it is confusing when I look at the account overview. 


Why is this happening?  Thanks

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

One thought, names on credit cards can be different due to character limitations.    Unfortunately as this is member to member help forum, no one here can can check your account transaction records.  You may want to follow-up directly with customer support with you concerns.

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The customer probably has their paypal account set up in a different name.  The name on the account that pays you is what shows up on your activity view.  So if their paypal account is under their maiden name, spouses name, or if they used someone else's account altogether to pay you..Ex: They gave the $ for your products to their friend and their friend paid you from their paypal account because the customer themselves do not have a paypal account.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Sorry for the confusion on this.  The way that it works is in invoice management we show the name based on what was entered on the invoice.  In account overview and activity the name is based on the name that is in the PayPal account for that user.


I add it to our list to coordinate those.



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New Community Member

I would just like to pay for my e bay purchase and update the debit card  on my account.  This is very frustrating.  I want all previous debit cards and cr. cards removed and add new.  Why is that so hard to do.

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