My account got hack lost $500 paypal no help



My paypal account got hacked month ago ,  hacker tried to use "Send money to a friend" to send money from my balance $500 out to other paypal account name <removed> , I have open Dispute case for request restore my funds but paypal don't have . they said follow this .

Thanks for your patience during our review of this case. Unfortunately, this transaction isn't protected by PayPal Buyer Protection. As a result, this case has been closed and we're not able to take any further action.

Transaction details

Case ID: PP-006-071-686-665

Seller's name: Đức <removed>

Seller's email: <removed>

Seller's transaction ID: 06773539F24323638

Transaction date: 9 July 2017

Transaction amount: -$500.00 USD

Your transaction ID: 4ME36712X7959591E

I have to called paypal many time they said will investigate about where my money gone but untill now i can't to get any respond from them and they not allow me open more Dispute case . I very disappointed with paypal service , they not help when got hacker and money lost i have wait over month for want to know where my money gone but no respond . so what happened with paypal service ? they really side with me or they side with hacker ? that is my question but nerver got respond . So now i no hope to get money back i just want to share my experience with who not got hack yet so be careful about your money in balance , if you got hacked your money will lost and paypal won't help , about my experience dont left money too much in balance paypal , just deposit money when you want to pay or something  like that . I have to disappointed with paypal company and not trust they again . sorry my english not good i hope you guys undertand me.

Thanks all,

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yes This is a disgrace. sure i was confrim my identity and this guy i never do business with he/she before paypal can check my history , i never make transactions  with he/she before i got hacked . Until now paypal still not respond me where my money go and who was hacked my money . I very disappointed with paypal.

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I got the same situation now. The hacker used my account to transfer about 4 * $840+ = $3300+ to his account. I am just a student. $3000 is too much for me.


Do you solve this problem? 


If yes, could you please tell me how to get my money back? Please help me.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

is this $500 paypal fund or taken from a credit card linked to your PAypal account.

if it is taken from a credit card,then file chargeback with your cc issuer.

so you know the email address of that person who received your  $500?

is he from the same country as you?

It is a shame Paypal does not give you more information,$500 is not a small sum of money.

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New Community Member
Me to and now I have no money in my account .
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