PayPal Business Debit Card Declining?


After having my card seemingly declined randomly lately I contacted PayPal tonight. I've been a card holder for about 4 years and have my bank account linked and verified. I've always used my PayPal card whether or not I have money in my Paypal account. The representative told me they are using a new "algorithym" that randomly declines cards due to the fact that they have lost money from back up funding sources not coming through. The only way to avoid this is 1. Call PayPal whenever you want to use your debit card (that's customer friendly...) 2. Transfer money into your Paypal account. Well tonight my card was declined for a $30 charge WITH a couple hundred dollars in my Paypal account. The rep told me I would not be able to use my card as I have for several years now and also there were no plans to let their customers know about this change. He had a carefully scripted answer to my question so it's apparent;y they are getting calls about this. BAD customer service Paypal! How can you let your customers get their cards declined without letting them know why! Last night I tried to use it to purchase a bleep deal on some air fare. They allowed the initial authorization to go through then declined the charge several hours later. When I woke up I saw the email saying I had lost out on my airfare. Basically they have changed the terms on their debit card without any plans of telling people. Ticked off? You bet I am. 

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I received my new card not too long ago,and never have a problem.

places which used to reject my old card,now I can use it.

there are some who reported that if they dont have enough or none in their paypal balance,the card will get rejected,instead of going after their bank account.

the new way of adding money to your Paypal account is to download the 4 digit code and run to a store and give them th code and cash,I think the old fashion way is better,transfer from your bank account.

but is slow.

BTW,the Paypalbusiness debit card has a max limit of 400 cash and 3k per day.

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Okay well I have had the same problem with my PayPal Business Debit Mastercard being declind when I have no balance in my PayPal account but have funds in my back up bank account. The stores I have tried it at but has been declined at have been Walmart, Ross, and so far. I called and waiting nearly 45 minutes for PayPal to tell me that it is not their end and that it's the place of business that is declining the card. So what am I suppose to do ask Walmart/Ross/Amazon why they are declining my card? I am beginning to think PayPal has setup some thing on their cards to where we can no longer use it for various reasons when we try to use it at stores or other places. If this continues to happen I am going to rethink about using PayPal any more.

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I have a hunch that if you dont have enough in paypal balance and it has to go thru another step of accessing your bank account,this is not working ,it just does not want to go to step 2.

think of it,if it were a regular debit card,it would just tap one source not 2.

I amnot aware other debit cards would go that way-2 steps combo.

if this is true,and PAYPAL cannot make 2 steps work,then you just have to make sure you have enough in your Paypal account. 

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Paypal business debit card and all the debit cards in the world just go one step,what Paypal does is if there is not enough in your paypal account,PAYpal will advance the money ,then it will go after ourbank account and these days Paypal does not feel like doing step 2./  

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I dont know of any debit card in the world which would go to first source and then a second source to complete the transaction,have you?

does your bank debit card behave that way?


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Yep. This has happened to me too. I have not been able to use it as a card at all which makes absolutely no damn sense. Why would they do this? It’s useless and I’ve been using my paypal business debit card for YEARS.
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I think it's really telling that this problem has been going on for so long! The first message in this thread was from 2015 and it describes the problem I have been having perfectly. After years of nothing but active positive service all of a sudden I can't seem to get anyone to help me with my PayPal Debit card getting randomly declined even for regular monthly charges. Two of the supervisors who are in some other country hung up on me and there doesn't seem to be any way to make contact with someone at PayPal here in the U.S. Really frustrating and I'm pretty much considering cutting my PayPal account altogether (we accept payment for orders on our website as well as having business and personal accounts). They need to have some way to allow their customers to reach a person in the states that can help, not just give scripted runaround non-answers!

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