PayPal Credit option not working on ebay

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I've been trying to purchase an item for almost a week now on ebay with paypal credit.  I wanted to use paypal credit so I could have some time to pay the $1000 for the camera I want, but though it SAYS I can use paypal credit, when I try to select it only gives me the option for billmelater and then redirects me to APPLY for a paypal credit account despite the fact that I have TWO paypal credit accounts already.  I do not have any desire to open a third line of credit.  

  I've tried contacting PayPal customer service and Ebay customer service to no avail.  They seem incapable of even figuring out why I'm having this issue.  I also contacted the seller to make sure they accepted PayPal Credit and they do.  This is EXTREMELY frustrating and makes me question using paypal credit in the future.  What a pain.

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My Favorite Thing To Is When I Am Asked To "Agree To Pay The Above Total" That I Elicit Which I Am The Owner Of Youtube And Absorblagely Doing Fine THANKS For asking...

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I was just having the problem with paypal credit not showing as an option after winning an auction. It was there but dulled out so it was dead to a mouse click.

I wasn't going to us my debit card or my paypal balance but chose the pay by paypal option, the one at the top. Even though I was already logged in viewing this forum I still had to log in on ebay's page. When I did that the credit option was available.

I don't get it but am happy it worked this time. Many times in the past I was already on paypal and when I bought something on ebay I didn't have to sign in.

These guys are nuttier all the time.

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Same problem....this threads been open 2 years and STILL paypal haven't bothered helping.



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New Community Member

I've had the same issue as others.  After reading all of the posts, I downloaded the eBay app and whallahhh!!  Give it a shot folks. 

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I also had this issue. I usually use my husbands account, but wanted to get hime something as a suprise. So i opened my own ebay and paypal account. Then I made and offer on eBay for something and it was accepted, so i tired to buy it with paypal credit (item was $2500). When it would no go through i spent about 45 minutes on the phone with paypal and with paypal credit. I was told I could not use paypal credit because "im a new customer" I then asked why they would OFFER credit, then APPROVE it, and then NOT allow someone to use it and they had no answer. Simple solution for the simpletons at paypal- if you arent going to allow someone to use the credit YOU approved them for because they are new, then just dont approve them. NOW, i have this joker on ebay telling me I'm a liar and that he has never heard of paypal doing that and he has filed an unpaid item claim with ebay against me. I have Also tried to purchase other things and now it wont allow me to becasue a moron must have designed this system- your paypal credit shower as "available paypal funds" which are always used first for purchases, so I cant even use my account with my bank or credit card, becasue it attempts to use the credit but cant. So now i cant buy anything, i have an unpaid item claim from ebay, AND im angry becasue paypal has an **bleep** backwards system that lockes itself and basically prevents you from using it. Good work paypal. Don't worry, I have consumer protection and the federal trade commision on speed dial....but I know you already know those agencies, looks like you'll be dealing with them again. PEOPLE THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME PAYPAL HAS BEEN UNDER SCRUTINY FOR THEIR PRACTICES. I ADVISE ANY OF YOU HAVING A PROBLEM TO IMMEDIATELY CALL THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISION AND COMSUMER PROTECTION AND FILE A COMPLAINT!

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Well what do you know... I'm not a raving lunatic!!! 10+ years and suddenly not one payment method works???glad to know it's not me???well I won't be spending money until it's fixed I guess.

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I got some answers from PayPal today.


We've dealt with random failures of PayPal Credit payments for MONTHS. Today I got sick of the inconvenience and the implausible doubletalk answers from PayPal customer service and decided to try to get to get the the bottom of the problem. I failed to actually RESOLVE the issue, but after TWO HOURS on the phone I finally got straight answers from english-speaking supervisors in the two relevant PayPal departments "PayPal Credit" and PayPay Wallet". What they told me revealed some questionable PayPal practices and policies, but I was able to piece together an explanation of why we (and probably many of the other people here) are having these problems.


Here's my understanding:


When you make a paypal payment to a seller (ebay) or a vendor (via "send money") and choose to use PayPal Credit to fund the transaction here's what actually happens:


1.) The transaction is handled by "PayPal Wallet", the core feature/function/division of PayPal that processes all types of PayPal transactions, e.g. payments funded from your PayPal balance, your bank account, your bank credit/debit cards... AND PayPal credit.


2.) If you choose to use your PayPal credit account to fund the payment the "PayPal Wallet" function passes a request for authorisation over to "PayPal Credit" (which appears to be a different "division" of PayPal). When "PayPal Credit" receives the authorisation request they check your avaialbe credit and perhaps also run a fraud check. If you have available credit and there a no fraud alerts they approve the transaction, typically automatically and within a couple seconds.


3.) It sounds like transactions authorised by PayPal Credit are then passed back to the PayPal Wallet system which completes the transaction.


Sometimes PayPal Credit might flag or disapprove a transaction even when you have sufficient available credit. We've had instances where this happened but was quickly resolved: an agent at PayPal Credit verifies your identity, then verifies that "yes, you really DO want to make the purchase or payment". They remove the "possible fraud" alert and the charge is then quickly authorised by PayPal credit and payment goes through the PayPal system to the seller or vendor.


But if you call PayPal Credit and they say "We would approve your transaction, but no authorisation request ever came through to us, so we've neither approved it or denied it" you probably have a problem that simply cannot be resolved and is HIGHLY likely to result in being passed around to various PayPal customer service agents who will most likely give you conflicting and inaccurate explanations and ultimately leave the problem unresolved.


The problem appears to be back at Step 1 above: the "PayPal Wallet system" runs some sort of security check / anti-fraud / "loss mitigation" of it's own that the your transaction must pass BEFORE the "wallet" system forwards the transaction to PayPal Credit to request payment authorisation.


NONE of the "PayPal Credit" agents, not even the polite, well-trained and concerned supervisor I spoke to today was aware of this preliminary security check on the Wallet side, which explains why they wasted so much of my time telling me "it's a browser problem with Safari and Chrome" or "It's a technical problem with the website or PayPal Wallet" and transferring me to those departments.


Once they transfer you to the "website", "tech support" or "Wallet" department (which may or may not all be the same) you're highly likely to be talking to a non-native english speaker that probably couldn't give you a clear answer on this issue even if they DID know the answer--which I think none of them knew in any case. After an hour of absolutely MADDENING double talk and being transferred back to PayPal Credit multiple times I finally got the truth: PayPal has a top-secret security "algorithm" (computer program) that checks "a number of things that might identify this as a risky transaction", and if the computer says "no" THAT'S THE FINAL WORD. There will be no explanation. There is no appeal. The computerised decision cannot be overridden by ANYONE at PayPal. It doesn't matter of you have available credit with PayPal credit. It doesn't matter that you've satisfactorily identified yourself as the account owner and assured PayPal that the transaction is authorised by you. PayPal Wallet simply BLOCKS the transaction and never even sends it through to PayPal Credit for authorisation. And PayPal refuses to even give you any information or tips about how to avoid having your future transactions blocked because "What our security system looks at to make a decision is a secret".


We asked "Is it accurate to say that PayPal may unpredictably block our legitimate transactions at any time with no explanation or remedy?" The answer was "Yes, we block a huge number of transactions every day and it is out policy not to explain why."


So there you have it. It's not a problem with your credit. It's probably not your browser. PayPal's system is not broken. This is their POLICY. They make some feeble statements about how it's "for your protection", but the last supervisors I spoke to obviously knew that's a lame excuse. PayPal is clearly willing to inconvenience a LOT of customers and engage in a lot of obfuscation about what's going on (they don't even tell their own supoervisors in PayPal Credit the straigh story) in order to protect THEMSELVES from the risk of losing money.


There are laws and regulations about consumer credit that prevent banks, credit card companies and other lenders from playing games with credit approvals. But PayPal is being very clever. They run their "risk analysis" within the PayPal Wallet system and block transactions BEFORE they are submitted to their PayPal Credit division. That probably totally bypasses the consumer credit laws, banking regulations and disclosure requirements. For all we know PayPal's "fraud" algorithms are blocking transactions based on racial profiling or between parties where one party has a name common in countries that harbour a lot of terrorists. There's no way to tell, because the process is "secret" and PayPal has no obligation to explain or justify what they are doing.


That's their right, I guess. Hopefully this explanation I've pieced together will at least save you the frustration of beating your head against a brick wall. It doesn't sound like this "policy" is likely to change.



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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor


A big thanks for all of the effort and the very nice explanation.  I know it took a lot of effort and persistence to get the answers; I really appreciate the effort as I enjoy learning details.

Actually, I really make sense.

I also think all the security and risk assessments will be in line with credit regulations as companies do need to evaluate their own risk for transactions.

Thanks, again.

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What worked for me was downloading the eBay app on my phone and using it for my purchase.
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There are 3 options when you select an item to purchase. If you already have a PayPal Credit account, you must select the very first option which just says PayPal. The second option says PayPal Credit but it is only for new customers and does not work for checking out. The 3rd option is to pay using a credit/debit card. When you select the 1st option named PayPal, you will then log in and select credit. I hope this helps.
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