PayPal Balance & PayPal Smart Connect Available Credit


Hi, Please forgive me for bothering you all but my DUMB butt can't figure out what is going on. I am trying to purchase an item on Ebay and when I click on purchase I get an error saying they cannot complete the purchase and tells me to use my PayPal Smart Connect to buy the item. lol That is what I am trying to use. I have a certain amount showing in the PayPal Balance and a certain amount showing in the PayPal Smart Connect available Credit. It says if you purchase something it will take the money from the PayPal Balance and then use the Smart Connect money but it is not working. I have more than enough money in the accounts to purchase what I am trying to buy. I hope this makes some sense and someone can tell my dumb butt what I am doing wrong. Thank you for your time & help. Take care & have a great day.

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I found out what I was doing wrong. I tried to DELETE this post but I am not smart enough to do it. lol Thanks anyway. Take care & have a great night. 🙂

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Frequent Advisor

You can't delete threads, but I would like to know the cause of the problem.  It might be helpful to someone else in future.

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