Does Paypal have any customer service?

New Community Member

Why is Paypal's customer service non-existent? No phone #, can't send an email--can only respond to a choice of irrelevant options from a list.  When I responded to the survey saying I wouldn't recommend the service, the response was "Survey cannot be submitted."  Surely a better option than Paypal exists.  Can anybody recommend and actually reliable and responsive service?


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


Ways to contact customer services.

1. You can click on help / contact and use the message centre option in the blue band at the top of the page.
2. You can click on help / contact and use the phone option in the blue band top of the page.
3. You can send them a p.m via their Facebook page @
4. You can send them a p.m via their Twitter page @ AskPayPal for Twitter
5. You can use the message centre in your paypal account.
6. You can ask a question on here (answers from community members normally).


Lots of other payment processors and if you do a google search you will get quite a selection to choose from.

However whether your buyers will want to use them is another matter as paypals buyer protection is an attraction for most.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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