Customize the "Cancel and return to.... " portion of the Paypal Express Checkout Page


Hi I'm trying to replace the "Cancel and return to.... " message that appers at the bottom of the Paypal Express Checkout Page in Magentocommerce. The actual message says" Cancel and return to FLASHSERVICE" whch is the name of my corporation but I want it to say " Cancel and Return to the Store " insted. I'd been looking for a way to do this but its been a pain and i can find any answer. I came accros a forum post here in the paypal forums and i want to see if someone can help me out. This is the part of the post i saw:


" There currently is no way to customize the "Cancel and return to" portion of that link.  The next portion will display the Business name set on your PayPal account.  If you're using PayPal Express Checkout, the business name can be overridden using the "BRANDNAME" variable in the SetExpressCheckout APIcall "


How do i do that?


Thanks in advance for the help



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Are you currently using Express Checkout or Payments Standard? Payments Standard are the buttons created through a PayPal account and do have a "BRANDNAME" variable.

If you're using a third party shopping cart you'll need to go through the options the cart gives you to find out if you're using Express Checkout and if you can set the the "BRANDNAME" variable.


Modifying a SetExpressCheckout API call requires some development experience and it isn't something easy to do without having access to the scripts your site is using to create the SetExpressCheckout call. Are you working with a developer? They should be able to get it added.



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Thanks for your reply, I'm using Paypal Express Checkout in magento commerce, no developer.

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