Activity in PayPal Community

Friends and Family payments to business account?

Hey all, I thought that US based business accounts could no longer receive any Friends and Family payments, but I seem to currently be receiving a mix of Goods and Services and Friends and Family payments. Some of these payments are from internationa...

filing for fraud payment between friends

i understand paypalk will nto refund me witha  payment sent between friends,. but i shoudl be able to reprot the thief,. and its not posisble, it means he can continue to defraud others peacefully and paypal do not care. i sent 120 euros to a guy lat...

pierre2173 by New Community Member
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Paypal hat mein Wallet ins Minus gesetzt.

Vor einiger Zeit hat mir ein Anbieter Geld über Paypal abgebucht. Ich habe daraufhin einen Fall geöffnet und das Geld zurückgeholt, da ich nie etwas gekauft oder gebucht hatte. Nun hat mir Paypal geschrieben, dass mir der Betrag angeblich doppelt zur...

Javascript SDK

 I'm seeking assistance with integrating PayPal's advanced checkout feature into my single-page application (SPA), built using React for the user interface. My aim is to incorporate alternate payment methods alongside the checkout option. To achieve ...

Shipping fee not refunded

Opened a dispute for refund due to items not sent. Was ruled in my favour but I only received refund for the total of cost of items. There was no option to dispute for shipping charges to be refunded.

Binkiboo by New Community Member
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Linking of bank account

Hi I tried to link my bank account to my PayPal account but when I check my bank statements for the 2 small deposits, I couldn't find any. Is there a solution to this problem ?

How can I find account?

A friend applied a payment to my incorrect account.  I have two accounts - one under my personal name which everyone uses and one under my business name which I have never used.  They have a case number / resolution number that I need to address but ...