
  Holding funds from sellers until the buyer leaves feedback is the worst idea EVER! Since when does Paypal become an authority on buyer satisfaction?? A smooth transaction is all that I wanted from Paypal. If they are going to hold funds, then they should make it very clear BEFORE you use them!  Keeping my money in their account for 21 days is a HUGE disadvantage of using Paypal. Stick to transferring funds,not trying to be a satisfaction authority!

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The same thing just happened to me! My last eBay payment (over a week ago) is being held for three weeks and I JUST got the email telling me that my account was at "higher risk than normal of transaction issues". That's HILARIOUS, because I have 100% positive eBay feedback and I have NEVER had a transaction dispute or a customer complaint. I ship my things in a timely manner and I have never provided a tracking number, so I don't know why they'd be cracking down on that now.


It's RIDICULOUS. I emailed them to complain and if this doesn't get fixed I'm going over to Amazon without a second thought. 

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Just recieved an email from Paypal stating my account was on hold. All payments will be held for 21 days.


This is completely unacceptable. I have 100% feedback on eBay and not ONE single dispute from a buyer in the 3 years I have been on eBay.


I have sent an email to Paypal. If they do not remove this hold, I am forever gone from eBay and going to sell entirely on Amazon.


This is the last straw. eBay and Paypal are owned by the same company but charge me twice (eBay fee, then Paypal fee) for selling a product?? I can't pay using a credit card and can only use my Paypal funds during a purchase?? It takes an hour to reach Paypal customer service? I NEED to provide a bank account to start buying? I get charged $0.30 for a partial refund on shipping when the buyer wants to combine shipping?? Paypal emailing me to fax in a copy of my driver's license?? WTF is this?


And let's talk about selling on Half, another part owned by the same company as eBay and Paypal. It takes up to 2 weeks to get my money AFTER this disbursment date. With Amazon, I can request my money WHENEVER and get it usually within 2 to 4 business days.


And now I randomly get hit by a 21 day hold???


NO! Forget you.


Amazon has NONE of these problems and I get a lot more from selling on Amazon.



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I am in the exact same boat. Just found out they are holding my payments for 21 days?? MY MONEY! Unbelievable!  I have been a paypal/ ebayer for over 8 years with 100% positive feedback and no disputes. This really upset me. I called customer service to get some kind of answer on this and they couldn't tell me why... All they said was they would call me back. Guess what.... they never called back. This better get resolved real quick or it will surely be the last fee paypal ever collects from me. 

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Same here. They have a right to decide how they want to run their business, but I have the right to take my business elsewhere if I am unsatisfied with their services. And whoever decided that this was a good idea needs to rent a tractor so they can pull their head out of their butt. If someone has a bad selling history this would make sense. But I have 0% negative feedback (super-roni if you want to look) and they still put a hold on my account. I went to the "Contact us" screen, but I can't type anything in the search box and there is no link for an email address or a phone number.https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Watercooler/I-am-desperate-for-a-telephone-number/m-p/354890#M92... This is ridiculous, and if it doesn't change I will close my account.

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I just sent the most satisfying email to Ebay!! They sent me a notice that my credit card denied their selling fees invoice!!  I made feel soooooooooooo good to write back to them and explain that the reason their payment didn't go through was because "I HAVE IMPOSIED A 21 DAY HOLD ON ANY PAYMENTS TO EBAY"!! GOD THAT FELT GOOD!!! I HOPE YOU ALL WILL DO THE SAME! Let's see what they think of their new hold policy now!!!YIPEE

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Good for you!


I am about to do the same.

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This is rediculous!  Been a customer with great feeback for over 8 years, now they want to hold my funds for 21 days.... I owe ebay monthly payment of $500, have balance of $1,000.  Now Ebay warns me of restricted account because they cant get the funds from paypal.

Paypal should reconsider or I will go to ALL m/c or visa and request payments be made that way.

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Not only is it a horrible idea but it is also illegal no matter the PayPal waiver of rights agreed upon.  The fact is a transaction was made between a seller and a buyer and the seller was paid.  For the 'banker' to hold the money for 'no reason' is illegal.  I say no reason because that is exactly the situation and PayPal cannot give a fair logical answer to that question.


eBay/PayPal have become jaded just like the phone company became jaded back in the day when there was only one.  This is a common occurence with any monopoly.  Sloppy, unfair, total loss of touch with its customer base, don't even care about your cash flow.  Why?  Because they're the only game in down plus they love to collect the interest off those 21 days before giving you your hard earned money.  Yes...they are playing the 'crooked cops' and it doesn't make any difference if you've been a slime or an upstanding citizen because in their eyes, we are all scum and will be treated as such.


The only way to get by them is to separate the transaction using eBay, but not PayPal, for a transaction.  Use your own bank.  They'd be glad to have your eBay business.  You can still use PayPal...just don't do it in conjunction with eBay.  Together they truly are a nightmare in so many ways.


Hopefully the law will come down on them, at some point.  Free enterprise is just words now.

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I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!! what's going on?? I have been using paypal for ten years and now there are holds on funds?????

My customer paid, they want their product, but I don't have my money! WRONG!!!!!!!

I don't get it...does anyone know why they are doing this??

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I'm in that boat also.Been selling since 2007..Just the other day I sold a item..NET to print out the shipping label and the money came out of my checking account.I bounced my checking account.I seen they put a hold on the payment received.I contact the buyer and told her I need to cancel the trans.Also voided out the label.I told the buyer about the problem.She understood.I used to sell on Ebay to buy on eBay..with the funds I made.Now I;m not.I did call PP & ebay to complain..but we all know you get no where will that! I'm not letting anyone hold my money for 21 days after shipping & delivery conf. This is just insane..and its funny PP just sent me a new card to activate..I cut it up!!!!!!!!

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