
  Holding funds from sellers until the buyer leaves feedback is the worst idea EVER! Since when does Paypal become an authority on buyer satisfaction?? A smooth transaction is all that I wanted from Paypal. If they are going to hold funds, then they should make it very clear BEFORE you use them!  Keeping my money in their account for 21 days is a HUGE disadvantage of using Paypal. Stick to transferring funds,not trying to be a satisfaction authority!

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And upon further digigng into the posts in this forum, it seems that this has been an issue for more than a year now.

But I have been selling for years with a perfect record. (No complaints, no chargebacks, no delivery disputes, none of that) The five sales I made in September were fine and it is only the last two october sales that have been "pending" So what has changed? I don't know and Ebay/Paypal won't say.


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you're not alone, and it's not just newbie sellers.  I've been a member for 7 years, ebayer for longer.  Perfect feedback, no transaction problems, long history, verified bank accounts (multiple ones).  They've just decided to freeze my money for 21 days.  I've spent hours on the phone since Monday talking with countless first-level agents who just recite the policy over and over, and 3 supervisors.  The first 2 said nothing in my account should have triggered the hold.  The last one said what it was and why.


Forget the fact that the 21 day holds themselves are total, utter bullcrap.  There are SO many ways paypal and ebay can hold funds or deal with disputes, etc.  I won't dissect the idiocy of these blanket holds on EVERY transaction, nor why it is *INSANE* that you'd have to buy additional tracking, prove you sent it, then still wait 3 days for EACH and every sale.  


The reason he said they're flagging my account is because of my, quoting verbatim here, "explosion of recent sale activity relative to your past activity...".  Are. You. Kidding.  I've used ebay a lot more than usual in the past few months trying to build a personal business.  So, using ebay and paypal more is being punished!  Yes, it IS -- paypal, stop saying 'it isn't a punishment, its for YOUR safety' !!!@@#%%^&$


Do you know how many items caused an 'explosion' of activity?  About 50.  And of those, about half that sell the first time.  Are. You. Kidding.


The last supervisor I spoke with told me point blank, the holds are there and will NOT be lifted.  There are no higher supervisors or other avenues of appeal or argument.  It will not be lifted, period.  To say I'm a bit angry would be the understatement of the year.  


EVERY paypal member who is having this problem needs to band up - take to facebook, twitter, write your congressman/woman, angrily call ebay and paypal - even search for legal advice.  And most of all, QUIT PAYPAL.  I know it is hard, since they have the market cornered, but I'm looking into other vendors or shutting down my ebay sales.  I am so **bleep**, you have no idea.  And I'm not one who usually gets this **bleep**.


Paypal, you have killed my business and will to do business.  I loathe you with anger that is not expressable in words.

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Frequent Contributor

Better to have your funds held for 21 days rather than receive the funds, withdraw them, have a dispute and get a negative balance. Paypal for YOUR protection ha ha

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This is just more harassment from PayPal, plain and simple. It is appalling the kind of treatment they hand out to sellers and we are the ones they are making money off of! I have been sent the same email and have no clue why - no recent disputes, chargebacks or negative feedbacks. 

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Me either.  just had a hold one day.


Re-distribution of wealth or Occupy Wall Street?


Are they going to pay more taxes on the money they are making from the money they keep in their banks earning interest?


I am not feeling very protected.


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I agree!!!! Who the **bleep** does Paypal think they are. If they are going to do this I will never use their service again and will not allow any buyer to send me any payments thru the Paypal service. I have no idea what idiot at Paypal thought it was a good idea but that person or persons should be fired!


I cannot understand why they want to charge us to use their service and at the same time tell me they are going to hold these payments for 3 weeks! No way will I use their service if they do this just 1 time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bunch of blood sucking leeches. I've gotta find a way off of this piece of crap they call a business.

I was looking at someone's feedback and half of the people that had left feedback no longer had accounts on Ebay.

Imagine that...........

When they both go under I'm going to laugh and laugh and laugh.

I'm tired of them holding my money for no good reason. By the way that so called user agreement states that they must have a valid reason if you read it using any kind of common sense.

Hello!!!!!!!!!!! 100% Feedback and no complaints at all. Where is there a valid reason in that.

As soon as my money clears I'm out.


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Im also closing my ebay and paypal accounts as soon as my money clears. I hope alot of others do the same. I cant even pay my ebay fees they keep hounding me about.

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Why does it take so long for pending funds to become available?

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Hi, I'm a newbie to eBay and PayPay. My daughter used to used both and used my email address for PayPal. I recently opened a eBay account in order to sell some of my home stuff and opened a PayPal account under a different email address because my daughter used my email address that I now use for eBay. I had no idea that the funds for my sales were being sent directly to the email my daughter set up years ago. Unfortunately she forgot her password and security answers. So now my money is in an account that we can access! I'm missing over $400.00 in total sales and I truly don't know where my money is! Can anyone help me with this? I continutallu perplexed and frustrated creeds4me.

I SWEAR TO GOD I AM NOT A SCAMMER! I'm trying to learn my way around this thing and am totally lost!:(

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