Why does PayPal refuse to ever link Bank Account, consistent error.


I have recently had some fraudulent activity on my Checking Account, and was forced to get the account number changed, but there does not appear to be any way to use the 'Confirm Instantly' option to link the new account....

Every time I attempt it, a box opens up asking me to enter my bank login information,[Removed]

 I know it is correctly entered, the page changes to a small circle spinning around in the center of the page for a few seconds, then comes back with en error saying 'There was a problem linking to the account, please try again later'.  Screenshot 2024-03-12 050442.png

I am not impatient, and would be fine waiting for the supposed '2 transactions method', but PayPal never sends them.

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I am trying to link my account with my bank, but when i try, it says This account needs a little help to link it and that i should Contact PayPal and they can help with that. anybody knows about this, please advise.

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I am getting a similar message, to 'Contact PayPal Support' if I need assistance....

Unfortunately, the days are long gone, where you could just call PayPal Support, and get somebody who knew anything, or who even cared!!


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