Guys... Could you help me? Debit/Credit card declined, try different payment method.

Guys... I've tried countless times to link my Visa Classic Debit Card to my PayPal account, but I'd always get the same message: Your card has been declined, try different payment method. I have contacted my bank multiple times to remove the safety measures and allow PayPal to take $1 so it can know that my card and account are legit but I got the same error message again and again. I even deleted my old account and created a new one using new email and phone number thinking that PayPal mistook me for a fraud, but that didn't work either. I have also tried to link many different Visa cards from my friends to parents but nothing worked. Please somebody help me. ☹️
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Hello @MiroslavM and @Cliffboyz 


Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!


Sorry to hear that you've run into some issues while adding your card to your PayPal account. There are some cards that are not compatible with PayPal system. This may include most online or virtual cards. Also please note that to add your card successfully, the information on your PayPal account must match the information on file with the card-issuing bank. Any small discrepancy in a name, address, or anything else can cause the card to be rejected. You cannot link a card which is not under your name. You can find the possible reasons and solutions for the card decline here : Why can't I link my credit or debit card to my PayPal account? If the issue repeats for every card, please get in touch with the support team to look into this further.


Good luck,


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Phone number are actually still in start a new PayPal or call to outmoded out
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Hello @MiroslavM and @Cliffboyz 


Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!


Sorry to hear that you've run into some issues while adding your card to your PayPal account. There are some cards that are not compatible with PayPal system. This may include most online or virtual cards. Also please note that to add your card successfully, the information on your PayPal account must match the information on file with the card-issuing bank. Any small discrepancy in a name, address, or anything else can cause the card to be rejected. You cannot link a card which is not under your name. You can find the possible reasons and solutions for the card decline here : Why can't I link my credit or debit card to my PayPal account? If the issue repeats for every card, please get in touch with the support team to look into this further.


Good luck,


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Thank You very much Bindu!

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Hello, I am in the UAE and setup a new UAE PayPal account. Added address, linked Emirates NBD bank account and no issues there. However WILL NOT allow me to link a credit of debit card from Emirates NBD bank? I get an error every time.. "cannot link this card, please try again". So it's possible that not linking due to the address i provided upon setup? Ok, so i try and add a new address or edit address and will not accept "Dubai" as city and "Dubai" as Emirate. So I need help please! I need a real human to get in touch and help me or else i need clear instructions how to get around this. And PLEASE don't tell me to create a new account!!! 

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New Community Member

are you using a brick and mortar bank or is it an online bank only? I think that is why most debit cards get rejected.

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Me too😔
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