Paypal keeps asking me to add a credit card


Paypal constantly asks me to add a credit card whenever I try to purchase something from a website or app. Doesn't matter how trusted the website/app is or how much money I have in my account, it always asks me to add a payment method... Even though I'm using Paypal AS THE PAYMENT METHOD. 

The only website/app that doesn't seem have this "feature" is Steam. However, if I try buying a game on Ubisoft, Origin, etc., or if I try to buy something off of Amazon or any other goods distributor, Paypal asks me to add a credit card.


Why does Paypal keep asking me to add a credit card, why can't I just buy a game if I have the funds, and why is Steam the only service that allows me to buy games without Paypal asking me this?

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In order to send money from your PayPal account, there are some requirements that need to be met first.  These requirements include adding and confirming either a bank or a credit/debit card to your account.  Depending on what country your PayPal account is registered under, you might also have the option of sending money by being approved for either the PayPal Mastercard or PayPal Credit.  


- Randy

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