"Couldn't complete payment"


I'm trying to use PayPal checkout with the Streamlabs service and it keeps throwing me the following error message:

> We couldn’t complete your payment for you. To get your payments working again, check your account or contact us.

> [Check Your Account]

> [Return to Merchant]


This is on Chrome for Desktop. This PayPal account is linked to my bank account. I've been using it without issue for years, and I've used it to make a purchase without problems less than a week ago.

As far as I can tell, there are no limitations, no pending issues, no relevant notifications on my account. How is this error message to be resolved?

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Please don't post replies if you have not fully understood & taken in the information from the post that you are replying to.


First, that article is in German, so it's of no use to me. Second, I have read that same article in English before coming here (English: https://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/why-was-my-payment-declined-help419).

It proposes several explanations, none of which apply to the scenario I outlined:


  • Your payment was declined by your bank or card issuer. To protect your privacy, your card issuer or bank doesn't tell PayPal why your card was declined. Contact your card issuer or bank for more information.

As stated, my PayPal account is connected to a bank account, not to a card.


Bank account, no card. And a different purchase was made a few days ago without problems.

  • Your PayPal account is limited. Resolve a limitation placed on your account.
  • You need to go through a security check. To deliver a secure service, we may ask you to confirm your identity. We do this to make sure it's you using the PayPal account.

As stated, no limitations, pending issues, or relevant notifications appear to be present on my PayPal account.

Again, a bank account is connected and confirmed and has been used with this PayPal account for years.

  • You may be required to confirm your card. If a “Confirm Card” link appears next to your card details, you’ll need to confirm this debit or credit card before using it with PayPal. This step helps to make sure that the card is valid and belongs to you.

Bank account, not card.


Thank you for your attention.


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Well excuse me for thinking that as you have a GERMAN registered paypal account that you can actually read German.

Also as you have a German registered paypal account then I have to post the information from the German paypal website so, you're welcome !!!

Normally folks read any links and then come back with further queries and I am happy to further advise.

However I won't waste any more of my time on you so good luck with your issue.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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