Payment not received

I created an email but I had not connected it to my PayPal account and unfortunately it received some payment from remo task .I later linked it to my PayPal account and it received some pending payment but only after I had linked the email to my PayPal .But am yet to receive the payment that was made before I linked my email to my PayPal kindly help
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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @Kahia 

Thanks for your post and welcome to PayPal community!

I understand that you may be concerned about the payment sent to you before connecting your email to your PayPal account. A payment will be unclaimed if it was sent to an email address or phone number that isn't registered to a verified PayPal account. If you are unable to find the payment, please try contacting our support to assist you further. 

I hope this information was helpful!

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