How to setup paypal to use my bank card currency instead of stupid conversions

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i have issues when i set for some shops my paypal account, so that they can charge me instantly after i press buy. 

But there also instantly apears problem, when for example:

i buy something in EUR and my card is also in EUR, but paypal skips that and starts his own stuff like - i dont mind that paying in the same currency, lets change that to USD and get some fees from that transaction...

How you solve that kind of issue, because then i get double charged for currency conversion - paypal + my card bank.

I am paying in EUR, so why to instead EUR paypal pays in USD...


Thanks in advance 

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Report to federal trade commission. They don't inform the buyer of the fee, the amount or anything. There's no trace of the fee. If you're in Germany like I am, most have insurance for legal matters.
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Contact the German trade commission also. You can make complaints online
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