Re: Link account


i haven't as yet withdrawn my buckeroos from paypal to fnb, but shall endeavour to keep trying ...  it's like knocking on one's own door when one knows the only keys are locked inside and you live in a world where, with no airtime and no way to easily ask for help, you just sit dejectedly outside your door with the stray cat who looks up at you with loving eyes and gives you a rub ...  and though one wants to break in, the danger of being shot by the police, armed guards or neighbourhood watch, or even approached by the strange neighbours keeps one rooted to the spot, searching pockets, bags or whatever for a calming device, or whatever calms your panicking soul, you understand that we all need each other and that God Alone Knows you're sitting there and you PRAY a weak, humble prayer for the time to pass so that when the sky starts to light up, you may see a Friendly Looking Person whom you can approach to initiate a whole day, and perhaps even a whole LifeTime of EXPLAINING WHY and what and wherefore and how and who and how much and wherever and whatever and whichever and with who and what and thank Heavens for the Kudos ...  they don't value as much as a pound in the pocket, but they certainly do lift one's spirits when one is locked INSIDE one's unit and dreading that all this text is gonna be wiped out by a power outage ...

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Hello xxx


Yes, your post did help me to not tear my hair out and remain calm ...  thanks for that xxx


Your post also spurred me to remember that tomorrow is another day and i may take deep breaths while resting and forgetting my tech troubles and then carry on with my journeys ...


This is eventually what i posted on Twitter X as i was too exhausted to attempt another login trauma ...


"4 FNB PayPal queries

0 eight seven five seven two nine seven two five

select option 1


email Pay Pal enquiries

4 specific PayPal  queries/rates


2 speak directly with PayPal

select option 2


visit Pay Pal




That was the best I could do under my personal traumatic circumstances xxx


2023Wrapped_square (1).png

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Esteemed Advisor



With all the irrelevant rubbish you posted I couldn't see an actual question you wanted answered in your thread?

You say you have withdrawal issues so instead of the drivel you posted in your initial post why not give some actual information?


New account / old account.

Withdrawn funds before or not?

What error messages are you getting?

Have you verified your paypal account and confirmed your email address?

Are there cleared and not pending funds in your balance?

What currency are they in?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Ta for the jolt to reality ...  yes, people are looking for a quick solution to their problems, and the Tweet I composed would help a lot more than not knowing what number to call from South Africa xxx

As it stands for years to this day, the easy ways are turned to dust because we can't post actual telephone numbers, nor email addresses xxx

So as I mentioned, or tried to, was that I had found myself after hours of searching over about four days or more, reading your post ...  i was exhausted, not having found any solution, but, was heartened by your post to carry on the search in the 'morrow ...

in that moment i just wanted the world to pause so i wrote to you trying to give you a thanks as well as give pause to any other person who found themselves just STUCK and TIRED of searching for solutions ...

I took the time to compose that TWEET so that Others could FIGURE OUT THE NUMBER TO CALL without having to go to other windows and pages ...

Sorry I wasted your time xxx

I was just resting my mind xxx


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