New website std user - ipn, return to site, receipt problems

New Community Member

Hi all,

I'm having some problems with paypal website payments standard. Any advice, hints are welcome. Please see below for details:


1. Even though the website payments std conducts the transaction, meaning i get the cash and the payer has their account debited, I cannot get this to register within the business software I am using anything beyond intermittently. I have followed to the letter the IPN settings etc advised by my sofware provider, and these seem to be ok. Is there anything else within paypal website payments standard that could be causing this problem, and how do I fix it?


2. Once people have come from my site to paypal to pay, and have completed the transaction, the website payments standard software offers the opportunity for the payer to return to my site. The problem is, paypal only includes their email address, not the name of my site. Any tips on how to fix are most welcome.


3. Once a transaction is complete, paypal sends a receipt to the person who has just paid me. Problem is, the receipt includes my telephone number. How can I get rid of my telephone number from the receipt?


Thanks in advance.

Andy M


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Hey Macadoon, if you have an issue with integrating PayPal on your website and are in need of assistance, please visit our Developer Central which is a one-stop shop for developers using the PayPal payments platform.  I would also encourage anyone who can assist to respond to this thread with any suggestions or workarounds for Macadoon.

1. Go to

2. Click on ‘Business' near the top of the page.

3. Under 'Business' select ‘For Developers’.

4. Click 'Visit Developer Central'.


If you are unable to find the answer to your query through the Developer Central site and you feel you need individual technical advice, please follow the steps below to contact PayPal’s Merchant Technical Services:


1. Go to


2. Click ‘Contact Support’.


3. Fill in the form and click ‘Continue’.

Good Luck

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