Combining postage?


I have a website selling small items, 7 different types. I have set the postage for £1 per item, but how do I go about combining the postage if 2 or more items are bought? At the moment, if a buyer orders 3 items for example, the total comes up as £3 postage, I don't want this, I want £1 to be the standard, regardless of how many items are bought.

            I have a shopping cart with a drop down menu of 7 items and also a View Cart button.....

ThanksSmiley Wink

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Hi there Nige52,


I don't know much about integration and the PayPal website. I can however show you where you can go to try and get an answer to your question in regards to combining postage on your website.


If you go to the following web address - This is a PayPal developer forum. You can try reviewing their boards to see if your question has been asked already. If not, you can submit a question yourself.


Please let me know how it goes.




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