Your account access is permanently limited

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After a review, we've decided to permanently limit your account due to potential risk. You’ll not be able to conduct any further business using PayPal.


Please any one tell me about this?

Now what i Do?

I have already submit necessary documents and information.

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236 REPLIES 236


I have almost the same issue: 

Opened account, giving required info, filling forms for my visa card and boom, my account is partially blocked or something.  

  No chat support, NOTHING. I didn't even start, and I already feel like I am an enemy to PayPal. WTH is wrong with this site???

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Its not you, its them. They should not be running a business if this is how they operate.
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There is no way to fix it honestly but you can file an appeal request and there is a very small chance you get your account back. Also, there is no reason for it after all its PayPal! 

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I had the same. I did nothing wrong. I sell music records & music on a trusted site called Discogs (hardly a high-risk activity) but a buyer tried to pay for an order on a site but PayPal wouldn't process the payment. I have not had a PP dispute for many years & no chargebacks. I was also due for payments from Ziffit World of Books & a survey site called Hiving, both trusted established websites but PayPal blocked them. I didn't even know at this time that PayPal had limited my account. It was only AFTER I logged in that I found out. I read through their user agreement etc but did  NOTHING wrong. I've had the same account for nearly 20 years & have NO others.

I Rang PayPal & the CS man couldn't find anything wrong with my account either so he filed an appeal on my behalf & gave me a code. If PayPal can do this without warning or even a message to my personal email why should we trust them? Discogs site I've used for over 10 years I cannot use them anymore because they only accept Paypal for payments I also get payments for photos on Shutterstock & adobe stock now they'll have to pay me some other way. The question is: Why does PayPal think that the activity in my account is high risk? I think they have got it wrong but will they even admit it? 

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PayPal cannot be trusted if they do this to innocent people 

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Please help me
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I'm in Germany. I sold two devices on eBay. The person didn’t like the product, he issued a refund, I tried to dispute it. PayPal, without looking at the problem, withdrew all the money from me; I have a negative balance. The buyer does not return my goods after receiving the money back, and ignores it everywhere. My account was blocked and I can’t write to support about fraud.Now my account is permanently blocked. I have a debt of 420 euros, and I have to pay it off by the 21st. It is impossible to contact PayPal support. That is, I am left with a negative balance in debt, without returned goods and with a blocked account. Is there any the opportunity to sue this office of thieves? I have already filed an online complaint with the police against the scammer. What should I do next?

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