PayPal refund problem


Long time User. Soon to be, ex ….


Submitted a completely legit (previously, this would have been a no-brainer acceptance of my request) transaction dispute to PP in early March for  $99  for a “30 day money back guarantee” from an investment service that totally ignores my requests. Here we are in late April and PP has not resolved this and, keeps pushing back the estimated resolution date. Late last week, I submitted a consumer complaint to the California AG office about PayPal and today, I have a request from PP to submit more information within three days or my dispute will be closed unfavorably. This request asks for documentation regarding my product being damaged, which indicates that no one at PP has read any of my complaint, which clearly states, multiple times, that the issue is with a company that provides an investment service. I responded to the PP request with some polite verbiage and a picture of the company web site clearly stating the money back guarantee, which I tried to get, well within the 30 day period.


I am not a “serial refund requester” or problem customer in any way. Something has changed at PP and, not that it matters to them, this issue is costing them all of my future usage/business.


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Accepted Solutions

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Paypal covers you for non receipt of item / item received but not as described OR an unauthorised if you were hacked.

They also cover you for billing issues. They don't cover you for merchants guarantees on a merchants site as that would be between you and the merchant.


If it does not come under Paypals buyer protection policy then you can take your own private legal action against the merchant for any guarantees made on their site.


Even if Paypal did cover you for guarantees or warranties (which they don't) you also would not be covered due to this >>


Ineligible Items and Transactions

  • Real estate, including residential property
  • Vehicles, including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, aircraft, and boats, except for personally portable light vehicles used for recreational purposes like bicycles and wheeled hoverboards
  • Businesses (when you buy or invest in a business)
  • Industrial machinery used in manufacturing
  • Payments that are equivalent to cash, including stored value items such as gift cards and pre-paid cards
  • Payments made in respect of gold (whether in physical form or exchange-traded form)
  • Financial products or investments of any kind
  • Gambling, gaming, and/or any other activities with an entry fee and a prize
  • Donations, including payments on crowdfunding platforms as well as payments made on crowdlending platforms
  • Payments to a state-run body (except for state-owned enterprises), government agencies, or third parties acting on behalf of state-run bodies or government agencies
  • Payments to any bill payment service
  • Significantly Not as Described claims for wholly or partly custom-made items
  • Item Not Received claims for physical, tangible items you collect in person or arrange to be collected on your behalf. This includes items bought in a seller’s point of sale location, except if you paid for the transaction in person using PayPal’s goods and services QR code
  • Anything prohibited by PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy
  • Payments made using PayPal Payouts (formerly Mass Pay)
  • Personal Payments including payments sent using PayPal’s friends and family functionality
  • Payments that you have not sent using your PayPal account
  • Items intended for resale, including single item transactions or transactions that include multiple items.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.

View solution in original post

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypal covers you for non receipt of item / item received but not as described OR an unauthorised if you were hacked.

They also cover you for billing issues. They don't cover you for merchants guarantees on a merchants site as that would be between you and the merchant.


If it does not come under Paypals buyer protection policy then you can take your own private legal action against the merchant for any guarantees made on their site.


Even if Paypal did cover you for guarantees or warranties (which they don't) you also would not be covered due to this >>


Ineligible Items and Transactions

  • Real estate, including residential property
  • Vehicles, including, but not limited to, motor vehicles, motorcycles, recreational vehicles, aircraft, and boats, except for personally portable light vehicles used for recreational purposes like bicycles and wheeled hoverboards
  • Businesses (when you buy or invest in a business)
  • Industrial machinery used in manufacturing
  • Payments that are equivalent to cash, including stored value items such as gift cards and pre-paid cards
  • Payments made in respect of gold (whether in physical form or exchange-traded form)
  • Financial products or investments of any kind
  • Gambling, gaming, and/or any other activities with an entry fee and a prize
  • Donations, including payments on crowdfunding platforms as well as payments made on crowdlending platforms
  • Payments to a state-run body (except for state-owned enterprises), government agencies, or third parties acting on behalf of state-run bodies or government agencies
  • Payments to any bill payment service
  • Significantly Not as Described claims for wholly or partly custom-made items
  • Item Not Received claims for physical, tangible items you collect in person or arrange to be collected on your behalf. This includes items bought in a seller’s point of sale location, except if you paid for the transaction in person using PayPal’s goods and services QR code
  • Anything prohibited by PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy
  • Payments made using PayPal Payouts (formerly Mass Pay)
  • Personal Payments including payments sent using PayPal’s friends and family functionality
  • Payments that you have not sent using your PayPal account
  • Items intended for resale, including single item transactions or transactions that include multiple items.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thanks for that, makes sense, sort of though this vendor is essentially not providing me the service they promised, upon my payment. If that’s the case, PP support should have let me know early on, rather than drag it out with non responsiveness.
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This is not true in my experiencethey did not look at the evidence...they just gave an automated response in the favour of the seller

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An 'AutoPay' charge w/a starting date 5/30, and ending date of the same, appeared in my e-mail notification. When I informed PayPal this was not an áuthorized' payment; Marzooqa [removed] ?? Explaining that this a SCAM - Marzooqa is Arabic for Chosen One. [removed] means prosperity and good fortune. This is not a company, service, or even exists.. they Denied request for investigation based on having other accounts on an AutoPay schedule; .."this is not unusual activity for your past record..." %^\ 

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