Making payment via 'Goods & services' vs 'Friends & Family'


If someone wishes to buy goods from me, and make payment directly via PayPal, is it safer/ more secure for the buyer to transfer money via 'Goods & services' rather than 'Send money to friends and family'?

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Esteemed Advisor


Its against Paypal rules to accept a family / friends payment for selling goods and you risk your Paypal account being limited if you do so.

A buyer would not be able to open a Paypal dispute for non-receipt of item or item not as described as they would have no Paypal buyer protection.
However they can still open a dispute for an unauthorised transaction OR do a chargeback (via their card issuer) and you may well lose as you would have no Paypal seller protection.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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