MY.GAMES B.V. scam, what can I do?

I have been charged numerous time by this scam company and never noticed size it anyways happened around the time most of my bills are being paid. But, this time I didn't have the money in my account so it overdrafts my PayPal. I tried to file a claim since its obviously not me, but PayPal favored the summer despite an older forum being FILLED with people having the same problem. Clearly, if that many people are reporting them, it's not a legit purchase. Paypal is telling me it's something I agreed to when it is absolutely not, and in total its been well over $100 stolen from me at this point. What steps should I can to try and fix this?
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Esteemed Advisor


A lot of times what happens is people accept a free trial for a product and forget to cancel or complete a survey and accidentally subscribe.

As a buyer you must agree to a billing agreement/subscription before a merchant can take a payment from your PayPal account.
Be careful what you are accepting as once its a subscription Paypal legally have to pay it for you.

Check if you had a subscription set up and cancel it?
Click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > Click on payments third option along on the thick blue band top of page > "manage pre-approved payments.''

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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New Community Member

I am on the phone with PayPal support regarding this company right now.


I never signed up for anything, I never got a trial subscription, I never "subscribed and forgot," nothing of the sort. I have literally never heard of this company until today when I realized they were billing me.


Paypal, for their part, are being helpful. They are disputing the charges from this company within the last 180 days, which is apparently their limit. Mygames.BV has taken payments a lot farther back than that, and I guess I will have to dispute those charges with my bank. No idea how that is going to go.


I just hope this post serves as a warning, but as I had never heard of this company to even avoid them, I don't know what this is going to do for people.


Best of luck with your issue.

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New Community Member
This happened to me as well. $200 they stole from me. Paypal did NOTHING! Despite there being TONS of posts about the same scam they refused to help. I think a class action lawsuit is long overdue seeing as they are facilitating fraud by ignoring the issue and not issuing a refund. We all need to get together and contact a good lawyer to take them to court.
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It just happened to me as well. What the hell is this My Game bv crap. Yes, I never sign up for anything like that too. I'm starting to think that Paypal is allowing scammer to scam their users. I also filed a dispute for Paypal and also my bank as well. This is unacceptable! Because of this, I had to get a new card and stuff. It is so annoying

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