I bought a course in June 2023 but only now when I asked to do the exam I realised it’s a fraud!

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I paid a course more then 180 days ago in June 2023, after I completed the course I started to asked for the log in to do the exam and have the certificate. Only at this point the seller start to no answer and it is not providing the services I paid for (January 2024). At this point I’m realising it’s a fraud I reported to the police and I’m trying to have a refund that was denied because I paid more then 180 days ago, but I couldn’t know that the course and the company is a fraud until I requested the exams this month. How I can do?

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Paypal offers you buyer protection for up to 180 days.

After that you have the option of taking private legal action against the seller via the small claims court or similar OR if you funded your paypal payment via a credit card then see if they will chargeback for you, however it may be too late for a chargeback as well.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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