I am recieving text informing me of insufficient funds when i have not used paypal debit card


Recieved text stating Paypal: There wasn’t enough in your balance to cover your card ••••[removed] purchase. To add money now and try it again, go to: [removed] Have not used this card for any transactions

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Hi @redant1


I am sorry to hear that this has been happening to you as I am sure receiving these messages has made you worry. Have you logged in to your PayPal account to see if anything is showing there? I would recommend to check to be sure. It could also be a subscription payment that might have been linked to your card and that is what the notification was about. I would also recommend to checking this. If you are seeing any strange payments please change your password straight away and contact us directly so we can help. 




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Hello, not OP but having same issue. Are you stating in the transaction activity to look and determine if the payment has been “COMPLETED” versus any still listed under “PENDING?” I only ask bc the texts received are coming from “729725” and state: PayPal: There wasn’t enough in your balance to cover your card ••••xxxx purchase. To add money now and try it again, go to: “https://py.pl/xxxxx” (I removed the actual card info and specific hyperlink letters) Is this a legitimate text message that is sent by Paypal, or an attempt at phishing? Typically I recieve both text alerts as well as a duplicate to my emails if there is an alert, however Im not getting emails, only a text notification. Thank you in advance for some clarity. 😊
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I also receive the message via text. It's happened 2 or 3 times in the past month or so. I have a theory - let me tell you. 1. I've been a member since eBay and PayPal began. 2. I received my card probably when they first started issuing them. At the time it was for a business account. I did online technical support (and needed a way for receiving payments). 3. Other than one time a hacker in Australia compromised my card, I've never had problems. I've been able to use it like a credit card. But it did draw from my bank within 24 hours. 4. I've always had the funds to cover my purchases with the card. Albeit, once or twice in the past, but the second try by PayPal worked. 5. The past year has been an absolute financial horror for me. I'm bouncing and in the negative with my bank because they changed their system and I've had to cover both my sister and fathers deaths, along with the usual troubles in life. They used to charge me 30.00 for negative withdrawals but covered it. Now they don't cover my transactions and many businesses will try 3 times. 6. I have been in a fog with the deaths and admittedly reckless in my spending so when I got these notices from PayPal I had no idea what they were about. I looked at my account and saw nothing amiss so it left the front of my brain immediately. 7. Several times in the past month or two? I've tried to use my PayPal card and it was declined. It expires 10/23 or 11/23 I forget which and when the card was declined I just pulled out another and used it. It was puzzling to me because I've never received a "insufficient funds" error because PayPal withdrew the money from my bank the next day (so they couldn't know, right?). I never connected those declines with these sms messages from PayPal. But again my fog.... Today I received another text from the same number as OP and you - and the fog is finally lifted. I thought how odd that PayPal would send a link. You know that whole, "will never send a link or ask for a password"? I suspected Smishing. I checked my PalPal and still see nothing that makes me think I need to "cover" a purchase, etc. I'm not in a negative balance, etc. And I started searching...and found this. I think PayPal made a change to the card - it was a business debit card. And PayPal now __expects me to have balance in my paypal account ahead of the transaction.__ I don't know if I'm being penalized for the previous mistakes, or perhaps they downgraded my card in advance of the expiration, or perhaps they have a overall policy change about the card. I'm sure they sent their usual long legalese notices. I've seen changes to PayPal over the years. The worst one was when they changed management or ownership to a foreign entity and Americans no longer answered the support lines. I also know PayPal owns Venmo - so jumping out of the fire into the frying pan won't change much.
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If you are a moderator, Paula, you should probably get more familiar with PayPals policies. Especially, new ones.
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There is no way on PayPal app to get details on payment ATTEMPTS. The same thing just happened to me. I got a text message from some weird domain saying payment didn't go through. I ignored it because it wasn't from PayPal. I had alert from PayPal app for same thing so now I trust it and open app for details. Nothing. I want to know who is TRYING to hit my PayPal so I can go cancel. Why is there no way to see these details? Who is trying to take money??? How much???
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you are a paypal employee, and you aren't aware that paypal doesn't show any information regarding attempted charges on the account? they hardly even tell us  when a charge is reversed, and maybe they will tell me if it's pending 1 out of 100 times. please find another gig if they are forcing you to avoid helping people all day long. 

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I have also been receiving these messages but I have nothing linked to my paypal debit card. I have gone through every service and subscription I have and they all are linked to my bank debit card or PayPal directly (not the card).
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I couldn't even find my subscriptions on the app, nor could I click on the card to manage it - so I called support. At first they couldn't find my card. I had an Adobe and Google subscription using the card number and not just my paypal account like some of my other subscriptions. The odd thing is that I had already canceled the card - I was getting this message. I should have been getting something like "fraudulent activity of expired/canceled card". I think their new changes have the system in a bit of a flux. The biggest change is that the money has to already be in your paypal account before you can use the card. If this does not solve your problem, I would call and at a minimum report your card lost/stolen - and while you are on the phone - check over your subscriptions.

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The same thing is happening to me. I have no subscription or any payments that should be coming out from PayPal monthly. The emails have no information. I don't see any activity on PayPal and they don't see any. I Removed my bank card. I don't know how what else to do. Have contacted PayPal thru chat but didn't get help. Is it a real email or scam?
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