MB versus Media Bandoo foot pads.


I ordered 1 pack of MB versus Media Bandoo footpads, on the 10th of Nov 23. They never arrived. Then I noticed on 5th Dec I was charged £30.95, and on the same day £38.95. Paypal showed a pre-approved payment. I hve never in all my years with PayPal used a monthly delivery of ANY product EVER. I will order 1x pack/batch of an unknown product to try out. And if I want to order another I do order one only. I went back to the MB versus Media website just last night to check whether there was any way I could hve been caught by not ticking a box or the like. Nothing showed up on the website . I think PayPal shld not put thru these orders. They can make contact with their customers and ASK whether we are aware of these orders. I speak fore myself. I be am loyal to PayPal and buy everything thru PayPal. If I do not see a PayPal sign I often do not even buy the item. Or I look for another source where the PayPal sign is available. Sometimes it ccannot be helped and these few instances are few and far between. I would as PayPal whether they can warn people about “2nd pre-approved payments”. In the end it will save PayPal a lot of work and we can reject these fraudulent pre-approved payments. Imagine my shock when I realised they had already taken £69.70 of my money. No email came that I am aware of. No message arrived. This charge came out of the blue. As I hve noted too many people hve already lost money with this company. PAYPAL PLEASE HELP YOUR CUSTOMERS WITH THIS PROBLEM. MAYBE PAYPAL CAN FIND A CLEVER WAY TO REQUEST FROM THEIR CUSTOMERS WHETHER THEY HVE GIVEN PERMISSION FOR PRE PAID PAYMENTS TO THESE COMPANIES. I do not think that these customers who are all complaining about the same company can all be so forgetful and allow these amounts just to be taken from their accounts.

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This has just happened to me, Bandoo have charged me for a lot more than I ordered and would not cancel as they said it had already been shipped which was a lie as it was less than an hour after the incident !

paypay are not supporting me like I thought, very angry.

Has anyone managed to get a proper address for MBVersus Media ? 
PayPal should not be dealing with this fraudulent company but seeing as they are they should be supporting the people that have used PayPal to get their money back.

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New Community Member

This also happened to me to the tune of £83 so why isn’t PayPal doing anything they found in their favour even though I only looked at the article ping ping and I’m down 83  quid, what can be done I tried to appeal, change reason to wrong amount still PayPal not interested 


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Paypay have let us down badly. This company are taking money without authorisation and PayPal should be protecting us 😡

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