Bitcoin transferences

I have someone trying to transfer me bitcoins but says I have to pay a fee to receive the payment. Can someone explain to me if it’s a scam or if it’s normal? He already sent me two different links in which both ask for a fee payment to receive a certain amount of bitcoins. And what if it is real what can I actually use them for? Thank you!
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Hello @SophiaFerreira,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I understand your concern about the bitcoins. Currently, transfer of Crypto currency is only available in the US only and not in any other countries. Since, Cryptocurrency services through PayPal is not available in your region, so this is a scam. Users do not pay fee in upfront to receive cryptocurrency. Generally, there are no PayPal fees for holding cryptocurrency in your account, transferring cryptocurrency to other PayPal cryptocurrency accounts, or for receiving cryptocurrency from outside of PayPal. PayPal charges a transaction fee when you buy or sell most cryptocurrencies and network fees apply when you send cryptocurrency outside of PayPal.

I hope this helps,


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