3 payments taken for a purchase

New Community Member
I tried to make a purchase today and had a very odd experience. The payment process made me set up two subscriptions (1 recurrence each) which each took a payment and also took a regular payment. This happened within about a minute. The three transactions were with three different “sellers” on PayPal each taking about £65 (so £195 in total). I was trying to buy something for £65. I feel like a complete idiot but I only kept going through because I thought the previous one had failed. I raised a dispute with PayPal and was almost immediately told that there was nothing wrong (?!?). I would have thought that PayPal would have considered that three payments of exactly the same amount in the space of about a minute would look a bit fishy. I have written to the shop I made the purchase to, and also to the email addresses registered to the subscriptions. I am hopeful but not optimistic. Now that they have closed this dispute I don’t seem to be able to contact them about this issue again. I am not sure what to do now. Having used PayPal for a very long time I am more than a little surprised at all this. Has anyone seen this before?
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Exactly also happened to me right now
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Just trying to buy/paying for a table. But suddenly came 3 unknown transactions. Paypal said its not considered as unknown transactions therefore no refund. Trying to kontakt Paypal for hour but unsucessful that why i landed here 😞 i dont know what to do now.
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