My account is currently under verification.


My account is currently under verification. I can't add the information that PayPal is asking me for.
Many times I have added confirmation information from the buyer (I sell used clothes), and every time I want to save the information, all the data is lost and I have to add it again. What should I do?
Registered in Poland.

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Hello @MikHor

Thanks for posting your first question in the Community! 

I understand you're having difficulty verifying your account because the information isn't saving, and I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like you may have a limitation, and I'll be happy to provide you with some details that may help. First, I recommend clearing your cache and cookies. It sounds like there's a connectivity issue when you're trying to upload your documents. If that doesn't work, have you tried a different browser? I personally recommend Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox; they seem to work the best for me. If you keep running into errors, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support teams by clicking 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal website. Support is also available through Facebook Private Message, Instagram Direct Message, or Twitter Direct Message. 

I hope you can submit the documents soon! 

- Meghan

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