Go Fund Me and PayPal -- Fund Transfer Delays for Nonprofits

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Has anyone had this problem? Our nonprofit (a registered 501-c-3) is raising money for Ukraine Relief. In theory, the money should transfer to PayPal and they should pay us promptly. But PayPal is saying that our nonprofit is a "Civic, Fraternal or Social Org" (which we are clearly not) and therefore we should not expect to be paid for 3-6 months. This, of course, hampers our mission. Trying to get a real person at PayPal to respond is a nightmare. Any suggestions?

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Hello @frankschott


Thank you for joining the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear it's been difficult getting a hold of someone at PayPal to fix your non-profit registration. There are a few different ways to reach our Customer Support. Here's an article detailing all the best ways to reach our Support Teams. They should be able to fix that registration issue for you. However, you may wish to review the following links to read more about the possibility of Payment Holds or Reserves on your account.


Best wishes with your mission,


 - Jon K

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