Case Refused by Paypal but declared lost by Fedex

After my package was misdelivered I took the appropriate steps with Fedex such that the package was declared misdelivered by the Fedex UK team with a case file reference C-102491838. I then contacted the Razer UK team who advised me to issue a chargeback. I then raised a request with PayPal who after some back an fourth refused my case and sided with the seller. Paypal justifies siding wit the seller because on the sellers tracking it says delivered.". But I have an open case with fedex where they have declared the goods lost or stolen C-102491838. When I contact razer referencing this lost case number they refuse to listen and just send me a link to the tracking that says delivered, even though I have this open case number. Both PayPal and Razer seem unwilling to contact the Fedex UK team with the case number provided in order to get this resolved which has resulted in my dispute being closed in favour of the seller with dispute ID PP-R-KKY-478832155. I have lost £179 for goods I have not received, and my chargeback dispute has fallen falsely on the side of the seller due to the discrepancy between the tracking link from fedex, and the case number with fedex in which the goods were declared lost / stolen. Can anyone provide any resolution on this?
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In the event of an item not received dispute the only decision paypal make is based on the tracking number, if it shows as delivered then the case is closed.

Surely its up to Fedex to reimburse you not paypal or the seller?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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