Account Restricted and I want to call PayPal but their international line doesn't work.


Hi there,

My account has a restriction and I have no idea why. I tried to contact them via their message centre and there doesn't seem to be any answers other than the decision being final. I'm currently in Italy and their 402 number doesn't work. Their 877 number is in Italian so I don't understand how to go on to discuss this. 

If anyone could provide me with a number to speak with PayPal regarding this, it would be great. I'd like to get this resolved so that I can continue with my business.

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Hello @SuperNatural1,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I am sorry to know that your account has been restricted. Handling limitations can be quite concerning. Account limitations are placed in situations where we see unusual or suspicious activity, or when we need to collect information necessary for keeping your account open. When we place a limitation, an email is sent to explain the reason for the limitation and what needs to be done to resolve the problem. 


The permanent limitation is not a decision made lightly and often involves multiple factors, some of which may not be readily apparent to you. That said, there's always the possibility of error. If you believe that there was a mistake, you can contact Customer Service and request a second look at the basis for the limitation decision and review if there is anything that was missed. If there is a mistake found, it can be corrected. If the decision is upheld, however, there would be no further avenue for appeal, as a permanent limitation is final. Support is also available through Facebook private messages or Twitter direct messages. 




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I used to work in an anti-fraud and AML department with your B2B risk management department so there is definitely a mistake. I tried to contact via Facebook messenger and got the same response that someone will look into it. I keep getting the same copy and paste answer. I tried to contact via phone but because I’m in Italy, the automated message is in Italian and the one to call outside of Canada;[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]does not work. Vodafone tells me it is out of service. I didn’t really get a chance to appeal and when I asked why it was limited, I was told that it was an internal decision. None of my transactions are fraudulent or violent any regulations or laws. Please provide me with a number to a direct line to discuss this matter.
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