Refund my 'pending' payment.


I paid for an item and it flagged up as 'pending' with the reason that the payment was not claimed by the seller. I asked the seller to cancel the transaction yesterday, which they did but I have not received funds back into my Paypal account.

I assume Paypal have this 'pending payment' in their system somewhere so why has it not been credited back to me now the transaction is cancelled.




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What does it say next to the transaction in your paypal account?

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It says nothing at all next to the transaction in my account.


The transaction was flagged as 'payment not claimed' four days ago. The payment is deducted from my account.

I asked the seller to cancel the transaction as they were telling me they had not received payment. This should have given me a refund?


Where is that money now? How do I get it back? 

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Esteemed Advisor



If it was showing as 'unclaimed' then the seller would not have received it. It sounds as if he may have an old email address on his auction (or made a typo).

However if it was unclaimed and he did not receive it then it would still show as either unclaimed OR sent / completed on your paypal account.

The fact he cancelled the transaction has nothing to do with payment.

So it must say something next to the transaction in your paypal account either..........


1. Send / received.

2. Refunded.

3. Pending / unclaimed.

4. Pending / unclaimed with a cancel option.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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My Paypal account summary under Pending only states 'purchase' and a debit figure of £12.52.

It still looks like a normal transaction in Paypal summary and has not yet been cancelled or modified by them.

There is nothing else is written on the transaction.

None of these:

1. Send / received.

2. Refunded.

3. Pending / unclaimed.

4. Pending / unclaimed with a cancel option

Because it's cancelled, the 'Pending/unclaimed' has disappeared from my summary.

I also have Ebay messages stating 'Cancellation for this order is pending'

They also asked me: Did you pay for this order and receive a refund?

Well, I paid someone the £12.52 but the seller did not get it. So I cannot close out Ebay 'I have received a refund from the seller' yet.

The seller cancelled the transaction but cannot refund my payment as they never had it in the first place!





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I decided to wait a day or two to see if the 'pending' status of the payment changed. It did and the transaction flagged up as an order indicating the seller had now received the money. I contacted the seller and requested a refund as I could see they now had the money. They said it would take them a 'while'  to check they had the money. I contacted them next day to request a refund again and I received that refund next day.l

Not a good scenario, when a payment has left your account and had not been received by seller. It disappears into cyberspace until the seller receives it under a 'pending' tag. Lot of time wasted with this procedure and this could have been avoided if the payment could have been refunded by Paypal during the 'pending' status before it was claimed by the seller..

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