Unable to tell if customer subscription is cancelled


I am integrating PayPal into my website. So far I have:


1. Got an Access Token via the back end using the clientId and secret

2. Ask PayPal for a list of subscriptions via Javascript: https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/billing/subscriptions/" + subscriptionId + "/transactions?start_time=2018-01-01T07:50:20.940Z&end_time=" + date.toISOString()


This works fine!


Now, I want my user to cancel a subscription via my website. In order to do this, I need to call the PayPal API to see what subscriptions exist for a given user (as shown above in point 2).


It appears that, within the response I get a Status of either COMPLETED, INACTIVE or ACTIVE. What I don't see is CANCELLED.

As such, it appears that after a subscription is cancelled and before a refund is issued, the return status appears to remain as COMPLETED. 


So my question is, how do I find out if a subscription has been cancelled or not?


I am following docs: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/subscriptions/v1/  (also on this page, first paragraph has a link to Subscriptions Overview, which is a 404(

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