PayPal Checkout - Tell if Client ID is sandbox or production


Is there a way to tell if the Client ID or Client Secret is sandbox or production?


The reason why is to show a merchant that they are using sandbox credentials and not live ones. Like with Stripe they start with pk_test_ and sk_test_ so you know test credentials are being used?

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I'm guessing that your code is not the original source of the client ids. And that you are using V2 in JS e.g. in the html ...

<script src=""></script>


In my case, I know the sandbox and production client ids for our shop so it's not an issue. I assume you are receiving them from somewhere else?


The only thing I can say to help is that in my case, the sandbox client id includes an underscore and a dash (hyphen), and the production one does not.

Maybe that's a pattern you could use if it applies for your cases too. They are the same string length, so that's not a discriminator.

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