Why do some people see a prequalified amount to use Pay in 4 while others have none showing?


Hello can a mod or an expert in PayPal please answer me?


Why do some PayPal users see a prequalified dollar amount in their Pay in 4 area in the app while others see no prequalified amount at all?


I would love to know why this is and what this means. I read all the info on Pay in 4 from PayPal but nowhere does it explain WHY some people get a prequalified amount and others don't.


Thx so much.


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Hello @SteelersPittFan

Welcome back to the PayPal Community Forum! 

I understand you'd like to learn more about prequalified amounts for Pay in 4. According to this Help Center article, the prequalified amounts vary based on quite a few different factors. If an amount doesn't show at all, that leads me to personally believe that there may not be enough account history to create the estimate. If you don't see a prequalified amount but you're interested in applying, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Support here to learn more.  

Have a beautiful day! 

- Meghan

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Thank you Meghan for your reply to me.


I'm definitely not doubting what you are saying, I just find it strange that some people get this prequalified amount while others don't. And PayPal never really explains why this is. You are hypothesizing and you make a lot of sense, but I wish I knew 100% why this happens.


Pay in 4 is a great service PayPal offers but there can definitely be some confusion with it lol.



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