How to edit PayPal payment button on my website


I am trying to edit my PayPal payment buttons, but I keep getting the message "something went wrong.  Please try again".  I was able to delete some payment buttons that are no longer applicable, but I can't get the edit to work on my payment buttons that need to be updated.

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Hello @glenwoodsue,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I understand that you would like to edit a button on your website. Here's the help center article to make changes. If you are still running into the same issue or if you want to upgrade your existing button, you may reach out to our merchant tech support team so that they can help you accordingly. You can find the contact details in this link. Before you proceed, please try some troubleshooting steps such as clearing cache and cookies or trying using a different browser or device to see if that works. 


Good Luck,


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[I have a "Buy Now" button on my site, and this worked. It could be different if you have another type of button.]

If you have trouble reaching the page where it says, "view your saved buttons," try logging into your account and then go to:

From there, you should see "view your saved buttons" in the upper right corner.

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