Paypal charging bank account 2-3 times for one transaction?

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So I had a subscription for Product X for 29.68. I didn't realize it was renewing on the 30th of september, and the first payment tried to post to my bank account and failed. A few days later (oct 7) it tried again with success! Money is no longer in my bank account for that exact amount, "retry pymt." Cool, I thought, all finished.


The other day I bought Product Y for 19.99. Used paypal, no problemo. (this has still not come out of my bank account as if 10/22, and now i'm worried that's another charge i'm gonna be hit with)


Apparently on Oct 20, I got a paypal withdrawal for 49.67 out of my bank account. This is both of the products added together, but the money for Product X had *already come out of my bank account.* I had not purchased anything else with paypal. This charge also doesn't show up on my paypal account, only my bank account.


Today I got an email saying that my paypal was overdrawn by 29.68, so I hastily authorized a transfer from my bank account to cover it, even though I was bewildered and confused as to how the heck that would happen and where the charge would come from.


On paypal's side, it shows Product Y's purchase of 19.99 pending, Failed Transfer from bank account of 29.68 on Oct 15, and Successful Payment of Product X for 29.68 on September 30.


So right now there is 109.03 already taken out of my bank account, total, for two transactions that should have been a combined one-time total of 49.67. My bank referred me to paypal, but still waiting for a callback from the super long wait times.


I don't have an extra couple hundred dollars to be messing around with, here, and with a possible extra 20 coming out, if paypal decides to hit my bank account with Product Y's charge individually? yeah, can't do that and it will seriously mess with our bills at that point.

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