I keep receiving emails that say IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing

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I keep receiving Instant Payment Notifications Warnings -IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing: - how do I stop these or resolve them?  All our payments are registering and I am not seeing anything on our end failing.

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I wish you had received a reply to this topic. I keep receiving an email every day about the IPN failing. It is related to a site I had many years ago. Neither the site nor the domain name exists any more, so I cannot change anything server-side. I disabled IPNs in my account, which are not really able anyway because I no longer have a business account. I forgot all about the IPN etc because I have not received any money through Paypal for a very long time; I merely spend money. But I received a large refund and withdrew funds from my account. For some reason that has triggered these emails and I don't know how to stop them.

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Good day @IsaGayle,


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.

IPN feature is payment notification service, which will update the merchant regarding payment details processed on his/her website. 

PayPal system will send the IPN response to the merchant specified IPN endpoint URL.

If your(merchant) IPN listener server fails to return HTTP 200 OK response to PayPal POST, system will retry sending the IPN details for 15 times by auto alerting the merchant via email. This is the reason why you have received IPN warning email alert.

To stop receiving this IPN warning alerts and PayPal IPN response , please follow the below steps to disable the IPN feature in your PayPal account.

Login PayPal.com >> Hover on your name at the top right corner >> Account settings >> Website Payments >> Instant payment notifications >> click "update" >> click "choose IPN settings" >> check your "IPN Notification URL">> toggle the option "Do not receive IPN messages (Disabled)" >> save.

Also, please contact your website developer not to pass IPN "notify_url" parameter in your website payment API request calls to PayPal. PayPal will send the IPN response, to the "notify_url" even if the IPN feature is turned "OFF/Disabled" in PayPal account.


If your still facing any issues, please create a MTS ticket via - https://www.paypal-support.com/s/?language=en_US  with the detail information and error details.




PayPal/Braintree MTS


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Hi Kudos,

That's the problem, I have disabled them in Notifications in Paypal; but I can't do anything about the server side of things. That URL and that domain have not existed for over ten years, maybe more than 15. Surely there must be someway of Paypal stopping them and removing them from my account. They are not even supposed to be on there because it's a personal account. I don't understand why they were not automatically removed when I changed away from a business account to a personal account years ago. I appreciate your reply, though, they seem to be ignoring me in the Message Centre. I guess I will just have to put up with the emails like any other spam.

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Please try contacting your website developer not to pass IPN "notify_url" parameter in your website payment API request calls to PayPal.


PayPal will send the IPN response, to the "notify_url" even if the IPN feature is turned "OFF/Disabled" in PayPal account.


If your still facing any issues, please create a MTS ticket via - https://www.paypal-support.com/s/?language=en_US  with the detail information and error details.

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