Nova Armory

New Community Member

Received this email today.  I did not order anything from nova armory:


Hi, Thank you for your order #OT-690306Dear Customer

Your order confirmation from NOVA ARMORY has been initiated .
The product price will be debited soon from your authorized PayPal account within 24 hours .


For assistance, please call[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]

Product ID - 6309228-23-DX
Product price- $450.00
Payment mode - Paypal

Please follow on to our help desk to know more about your shipment details .
Shipment delivery expected within 7 working days .

Transaction number - 9002300-60902267312-8084

Need help with this transaction? Call +[Removed. Phone #s not permitted] (BillingCS)

Thankyou for your order

Team Nova.



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Looks like a spoof to me, paypal never address you as Dear Customer and any payments show in your paypal balance or debited from your account and not initiated without anything showing.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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