June 30, 2018 deadline for updating browser


I have an ordinary account (but my debit card says 'Business' on it).  I just use PayPal to purchase items from e-bay (mostly).  My browsers are already at the top of their abilities and I can't afford to purchase a new computer.  Am I really not going to be able to see my PayPal account after 6/30/18?  Am I supposed to withdraw my money and close the account?  Seriously, what are 'poor' people supposed to do here?  I'm on a fixed income and have to watch every penny, and am unable to accommodate PayPal's upgrade request.  Would it make a difference if I had a personal account, in which case, how do I change from Business to Personal?  (Don't know how I got on Business in the first place).  I read the policy information and am completely lost, as I have no idea what all those initials stand for or if I use them to make purchases.  And even if I can continue to make purchases, if I can't see my account, I won't be able to track purchases or ask questions.  This is all very confusing for non-computer literate elderly people!

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 It is understandable and in our best interest that an upgrade is required for better security etc. However I'm with you, many of us small businesses have older computers that work perfectly fine and no longer are able to be upgraded, basically paypal is telling people like us(I bet there's A LOT of us)that we have less than 3 weeks to buy a new computer or be locked out of our account and render our online businesses at a stand still.


They should have given us 6 months notice. Not everyone feels the need to buy new computers and phones if they still function perfectly fine. Now were being forced.

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"Before June 30, 2018, PayPal is requiring all merchants to upgrade their security protocols to TLS 1.2, in line with the PCI mandate, and make the other required security upgrades. At that time, merchants will no longer be able to accept payments with PayPal until they make the necessary upgrades. Learn more about these requirements and how you can upgrade to avoid disruptions to your business." Looking for some assistance here, Ive got enough going on without Pay Pal adding to my daily frustrations. Lake_Fork_Inn
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You can find more details on this issue at the PayPal Security Roadmap site. 


Here is the PayPal link.





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New Community Member

Hi all,

Does anyone know where to look to verify that Etsy has upgraded to the new TLS 1.2 Security Protocols required by PayPal. I still have a stand alone PayPal account with Etsy not the integrated one. Etsy probably has I just want to make sure since so many of my sales come through PayPal.



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Are there any browsers that work with a 32-bit machine that satisfy the new security requirements?  If so, which browser(s) for linux?

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Firefox, Chrome and Opera are just a few that are compatible with Linux (there are many more) - just ensure that you are using the latest version of the browser you intend to use.

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I have a Galaxy S9+. What version of browser do I need? I have Yahoo mail. It's already updated Help!
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PayPal message says on 30 June 18 my outdated browser must be updated or I can't access PayPal. Tried and called Apple and this old computer can not be updated more than it is. So is PayPal going to lock me out? If so, I must close my account and find some other service. Too bad as I like PayPal and spend a lot with them. Is close my account my only option?

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Do we really have to update browsers or is this a scam. Everything I have is as updated as can be
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No scam - as long as you're running the latest version of your web browser, you should be fine.

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