where are the NVP/SOAP API Credentials for LIVE account - having issues navigating the setup

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I have the sandbox SOAP working perfectly... but when I went to make a live account, it gives me different 'REST API' app credentials.


Our non-profit website uses something call CiviCRM which has a system built in using Username/password/signature  credentials for paypal


Paypal Website Payments Pro is working perfectly with the sandbox account - how can I get a LIVE setup with NVP/SOAP?

Is this "legacy"?? What am I missing here, to get this hooked up?

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OK, I managed to find where to make the SOAP credentials for LIVE.

But now I get this error:   This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.


Is there some other configuration setting I am missing?


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Good day @ruffcue,


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


Yes, NVP/SOAP API is legacy integration. 


I request to please refer the below detailed steps to access/generate API credentials via your PayPal business account.

Login to your PayPal account >> Hover on your name at the top right corner >> Account settings >> Account access >> "API access" >> Manage API credentials


Login PayPal account >> Go to "https://www.paypal.com/businessmanage/account/accountAccess/unifiedsettings/apiaccess" >> follow above steps.

Guide link for NVP/SOAP API Credentials https://developer.paypal.com/docs/nvp-soap-api/apiCredentials/


NotePlease follow the below steps to access REST API credentials(i.e Client ID & Secret) via developer portal. 

Login to https://developer.paypal.com/  >> My apps & credentials >> toggle "LIVE" >> create "App" >> fill required details >> you can able to access your LIVE REST API (Client ID & Secret).

Guide link for REST API Credentialshttps://www.paypal.com/us/cshelp/article/how-do-i-create-rest-api-credentials-ts1949 




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I have the same issue, please.

I can not access my live credentials for nvp configuration which is using: username, password and signature.

I am sorry but the administrator is not answering to the main question here.

When opening my "app&credentials" tab, I can create REST API credentials and NVP SOAP webhooks which are using client_Id and secret.

I could not find my NVP/SOAP credentials like I could get it with the sandbox using username, password and signature.

I mean, it is obvious that if I use client_id and secret somewhere I used to authenticate with username, password and signature, that will not work.

Please help me if I am not getting the point here.


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