Unable to test successful payments using sandbox personal accounts

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I am unable to test the successful transaction with the paypal express checkout using sandbox accounts with any testing cards that are supposed to be successful.


We use paypal's express checkout integrating with a third party subscription tool called chargebee. We use paypal's express checkout to generate billing agreement id and use that as a reference id for the payment but chargebee is getting error like unable to collect the payment or unable to collect payment because it didn't find any card.


We use  https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp to generate the billing agreement id. But it keeps getting denied.


However, the same codebase is working fine for production.



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Hello Ian-d,

The test with the sandbox worked well for me. In fact, you need to use your "personal.example.com" sandbox account to pay—don't use a real card. It is a simulation, not a real transaction.

But it would be best if you switched your credentials to live to use it in production. But This is where I am getting issues on my side because the endpoint becomes: https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp  and the express checkout link becomes: https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token= if I am not mistaken, of course. However, I do not know how to get the live credentials. From my understanding, it should not be the same as the sandbox.

I opened a thread for that but no answer until now. Maybe can you help me?

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