how long does it take for a an "inconsistent selling activity" payment (that's on hold) to complete?


Hello! I've gotten the "inconsistent with your previous selling activity" e-mail for two of my on hold payments, I've updated their status to "order processed" as they don't require any shipping (the service has already been carried out to the buyer). My question now is; how long will these two transactions stay on hold? The email doesn't directly specify... both of my buyers are also unable to locate/are missing the confirm receipt button for said transactions. I do have a yellow exclamation mark that says "You have successfully updated shipment information. You’ll get your money within 1 day of delivery." though, but 1 day has already passed since the first of the two payments, so what exactly does 1 day of delivery mean in this situation? Considering that the "delivery" has already happened... I'm pretty confused. Usually my buyers would have the confirm receipt button; but this time it's not there for whatever reason.

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According to others the confirm receipt option has been missing for a while, so you may have to wait the full 21 days unfortunately.

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