
What is going on with paypal? I have a paypal business account. I can't transfer $$$ from my bank account. It says "Something appears to be not working" I sent a message and received a convoluted message from paypal about confirming my card, which I can't find anywhere on the online account page. The message also says paypal will charge me $1.95 to confirm the card.


And, worst of all, the paypal business account phone number says they have NOBODY to help me.


What is going on there? I have been using paypal for decades and never had these issues. Paypal is now worthless!

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

Ok so I've looked into my account that y'all say I can't use anymore I have 5 closed cases in which where all closed in my favor so what have I done so wrong that the money that is suppose to take care of my family has been on hold and I still can't use it we have no other options we have been broke now too long and have to have our money y'all have no reason to hold it all cases have been closed in my favor and I have the proof and screenshots of everything that has to do with my account so we need to get money off of our account asap today so we can pay deposit and power deposit for a place to live as quickly as y'all can. Thank you. This is my message to this thieving company could u please mabey give me some insight
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