Jihad Watch.org

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I just read that PayPal is suspending jihadwatch.org account. Is this really true?  What can I do about changing the company policy?

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If PayPal can discriminate against conservatives, I can discriminate against Papal. I'm shutting down my longtime account.
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It appears that PayPal has closed the Act for America account because of incorrect information about their mission. They are NOT a hate group of any kind, they simply support upholding our immigration laws. Please urge PayPal to reinstate them or I'll be forced to close my account. I love PayPal and use it frequently, so this is not an easy step for me, but I strongly oppose their closing the Act for America account unfairly.


Thank you,

Susan <removed>

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Recently Paypal has begun attacking clients that don't hold a leftist progressive or so-called "social justice" perspective. This attack on free speech is dangerous and unwarranted. I would like Pay Pal to explain how it can engage in censorship activities and anti-Bill of Rights activities under the guise of virtue signalling and expect me to remain in business with them.

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Esteemed Advisor

Ask customer services then.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Just cancel your account like I did. You can do with out them.  Don't stop here, can cel and /or refuse to do business with as many leftist supporting companies as well. For example, companies based in the foreign country of Mexifornia gets NONE of my business. 

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ProPublica reports that "PayPal facilitates donations to the site, Jihadwatch.org" ... Can this be true? Any fact checks?

PayPal: Please review your policies regarding the content of this website, and others like it, as I cannot continue to be part of your community if it assists extremist groups and their websites. It is time. Thank you.

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Does anyone know why PayPal has terminted providing service to Act for America when the true bigoted and racist organization is the SPLC who has started this chain of events in the first place?

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Southern Poverty Law Center for those who don't know. Sounds wonderful, yet very bad people over there. Lawyers with offshore bank accounts. Follow the money. But this is about PayPal. I'm very suspicious of their intentions, but will wait to cancel. I have credit cards I can use. I'm actually impressed, about this open forum.
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New Community Member

Pay Pal is in the practice of censuring and and discriminating against politically conservative groups, such as Jihad Watch. I will close my account and tell everyone to stop doing business with you.










Pay Pal is in the practice of censuring and and discriminating against politically conservative customers and groups.  Anyone is has diverse political viewpoint from P/P's leftist group think will be denied service.  I am closing my account asap, and will spread the word about fascist Pay Pal.









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I agree with you and am angry enough to close my account as soon as all transactions are clear! Iam fed up with this treatment of decent folks.

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